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Sebastián Lacunza New Editor-in-Chief for the Herald

Tengo una muy buena noticia. Soy el nuevo editor jefe del Buenos Aires Herald, una de las marcas más prestigiosas del periodismo argentino, según consideramos muchos. Tengo muchas ganas, ideas y, por suerte, algunas dudas. Sigo vinculado a Ámbito Financiero, donde trabajé desde 2000 con alguna pausa, me formé en el oficio, conocí amigos y excelentes compañeros, hice coberturas soñadísimas, habré mirado un millón de cables (si exagero, es por poco, los de Internacionales lo saben), merodeé el desierto, volví. No sólo porque la redacción del Herald está puerta de por medio, sino porque seguiré a cargo del suple Viernes. Tiempo.

Sebastián Lacunza New Editor-in-Chief for the Herald

Sebastián Lacunza (Buenos Aires, 1972) has been appointed the new Editor-in-Chief of the Herald. This position was held until now by Carolina Barros, who has taken on new responsibilities in an important private company after three years of outstanding performance in the newsroom.
Lacunza has worked as a journalist since 1998. Most of his career has unfolded in Ámbito Financiero newspaper, where he was Deputy Editor of International news and he is still the Editor of the weekend review feature “Viernes.”
Due to his position in Ámbito, he has covered many international key events, such as presidential elections and social and political conflicts in the Americas, Europe and the Middle East.
Besides his work in Ámbito Financiero — a newspaper which belongs to the Grupo Ámbito, like the Herald — he has also gained significant experience in other newsrooms in Buenos Aires and has served as a correspondent for Inter Press Service news agency and an Italian newspaper.
In 2012, he co-authored with the university professor Martin Becerra the book Wiki Media Leaks, medios y gobiernos latinoamericanos bajo el prisma de WikiLeaks (“Latin American media and governments under the prism of WikiLeaks”).
Lacunza graduated in Communication from the University of Buenos Aires, and he holds postgraduate degrees from the Facultad Latinaomericana de Ciencias Sociales in Argentina and the University of Basque Country and Pompeu Fabra in Spain.
As the new head of the newsroom, Lacunza has pledged his commitment to the democratic and republican values which have characterized the Herald, championing a free and fair economy, and respect for human rights throughout. Lacunza thinks that this era, “singularized by the polarized environment and the cacophony of the media, is especially appropriate to develop unbiased journalism. The history built by the Herald since 1876 and its prestigious current journalists and columnists represent the ideal platform to release better information and promote more interesting debates.”
The traditional panorama of the world and the focus on the arts will also remain as distinctive landmarks the readers can find on our pages.

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